Transition #2


In the previous series, Bright Zone II, I said it was different from Bright Zone. The two sets have similar colors but II has slightly fuzzy edges and there is a hint of tiling in the otherwise smooth color regions.

The tiling is something that I lay down, then cover up, it is de-emphasized. The fuzziness is the result of mixing two colors (one of which is usually black) at the pixel level. Each pixel is one color or the other, as opposed to a sharp separation or blending colors between areas. The somewhat buried tiling creates a jagged boundary. This is hidden by the pixel mixing described above. The jagged edges became more apparent as I remove or decreased the fuzziness.

As I thought about these differences, I began to plan ahead for a future series that would emphasize these features, the tiling and jagged edges.

Yesterday and today’s feature images brings the square tiling to the forefront. Obviously if the whole image only had uniform tiles it would be boring. I added different region and tiles with various orientation and skews. Still it is too busy and needs to be dialed back.

When I finished Today’s image, I decided the composition and colors were way off. There may be hope with fewer, more subdued colors to bring out the flow in the top. The less busy areas in the bottom, create a different mood, worth exploring separately. But mixing the two here just does not work.

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