The Transition Series is about the transition from what was before to what is next.
It is not a cohesive set, but I thought I would do it anyway.
I like putting together sets of loosely related items, rather than publishing a bunch of one-offs. The last time I rewrote the web page software, almost six years ago, I switched the emphasis to sets of related images.
Sometimes, while I am working on a theme, it may bifurcate. I discover
two or more subgroups in the planned theme and then split it. Focus is
on one subset now, and the other is set aside for later.
When I get stuck, I may create some random unrelated things as a kind of reset. Then I can come back with a fresh perspective. I may like those interim experiments enough to publish as-is, or use as a base to develop further. But they do not fit with the current theme, so either way it becomes backlog.
There is always backlog, in various stages of development and completeness.
Right now, that backlog is bigger than usual. Sorting though it has been
slow. Mainly because I keep changing my mind on what features to isolate
and use to define a theme. So now, while I am trying to figure out and prepare
the next real series, I will blog about the process.
Normally I do not talk about these behind-the-scenes things. I experiment, hide the failures, publish the good ones. This time, and probably the only time, I will show some of that process. Please let me know if this is at all interesting.
Today’s image is one of those experiments. More tomorrow.