Variant 5
Same set up as Workshop 202306 #28 . Compare blend and paint-over.
Variant 5
Same set up as Workshop 202306 #28 . Compare blend and paint-over.
Variant 4
Variant 3
Variant 2
Variant 1
It is not easy putting these together. The idea is simple enough: different color schemes on a common formula. But I wrote the program first, and came up with this idea later. Currently there are a lot of picky details involved to make sure the two layers are compatible in the above sense.
I will refactor the program to better fit the layers-with-common-formula idea later. Then next few images use the same formula, and the same two basic layers, but with small changes to the coloring methods. Mainly in the density of the top layer.
Normally I would try for more variety. Different palettes, different formulas. But this series is called “Workshop” for a reason. While working, behind the scene, I just turn on knob at a time.
Here is a variant on the background to the previous post, Workshop 202306 #23
Here is Workshop 202306 #22 with the same top layer, and different colors in the bottom layer
In the previous image, Workshop 202306 #22, the blue/red made a nice contrast between the layers. Here the two layers have similar colors. Both combinations work, they produce different moods.
Same setup as the previous two, Workshop 202306 #20, and Workshop 202306 #21. More colors added to the top layer, orange, yellow, white.
The layers are combined by “paint over” rather than “blend”. Each pixel is the final image is from either the top or the bottom layer. The algorithm to choose which layer is of course also dependent on the underlying fractal-like calculation.
Here is the same setup as yesterday’s image Workshop 202306 #20. Greater density on both layers.
A recap, in case you have not been following along. I am trying to combine layers for a composite image. I know that has been done forever, by everyone. I do not want to overlay two random images, there needs to be something to tie together the layers.
I had several failed attempts that have been discarded and forgotten. This image and the previous is something that worked well. I used a fractal like formula to generate the images. The same formula is used on both, but with different coloring rules.
I think this scheme has a lot of potential.
I am quite pleased with this one.
I have been describing these Workshop items as potential layers in a composite work. Here I combine two layers. The “formula” is a hybrid escape time fractal and iterated function system method. The same formula, same parameters, same window, etc. is used for both layers. The layers use different coloring methods on the same data. Shades of blue with craters form the bottom layer, wispy red curves for the top layer.
I am also reusing the faux light / edge enhancement algorithm described previously. (I am too lazy to find the previous post right now. If you are really interested, leave a comment and I will find it.)