The underlaying fractal formulas are some of my personal creations. Obscure and absurd. A series called “Textured Fractals” should start with generally well-known and recognizable fractals.
Textured Fractals #3

The underlaying fractal formulas are some of my personal creations. Obscure and absurd. A series called “Textured Fractals” should start with generally well-known and recognizable fractals.
This series mixes in fractal elements. I struggled with the decision to put these into a separate Textured Fractals series. The fractal aspect here is incidental, very light-weight. The emphasis is strongly on the textures. Someone without above average experience with fractals may not even notice the fractal-ness here.
This new series is really a continuation of the Experiment 2023.2 series. I was wrapping up the final pieces, cleaning them up to publish. Then I entered art-mode again, and created over a dozen more pieces to publish.
The Experiment series was getting too long. I decide to start a short new series called Textured Fractals.
Two more to wrap up the series.
I created this near the time I was working on Experiment 2023.2 #14 and related pieces. There is potential here, I like the colors and the pixel size dots and lines are different. But at the time, I chose to explore a reduced palette and solid color blocks.
Bright diamonds. This idea has potential, but I never got back to it.
As often happens, there are a few stragglers that I want to post. I did not find a good place for them in the sequence up to now. So here are a few odds and ends to wrap up this series.
Today we have similar shapes to the previous, Experiment 2023.2 #29, with a rougher surface.