Sequence Fractals Part II #33


si = a,-a,…; a = -0.65
Center: -0.16; Zoom = 1

Bumping up a to -0.650 to find another interesting central shape. C2.00 is near the top, slightly left of center. The suspected M1,3 point from Sequence Fractals Part II #23 is about to land.

Named Points for a=(-0.650000, 0.000000)
  2 fixed points
C1.00:   0.150000,  1.024695
C1.01:   0.150000, -1.024695
  6 two cycles
C2.00:  -0.394902,  0.353242
C2.01:  -0.394902, -0.353242
C2.02:   0.370475,  0.974363
C2.03:   0.370475, -0.974363
C2.04:   0.474427,  1.589533
C2.05:   0.474427, -1.589533
  4 1/1 preperiodic points
M1,1.00:  -0.561969,  0.000000
M1,1.01:   0.095643,  0.000000
M1,1.02:   0.533163,  1.581689
M1,1.03:   0.533163, -1.581689

Sequence Fractals Part II #31


si = a,-a,…; a = -0.680
Center: -0.16; Zoom = 2.4

Notice the tufts connected to the main body on the right side. We have seen similar things before, see Sequence Fractals Part II #11. In those cases the decoration was either not connected, or connected at a single point. Here, there seems to be something else going on. (Building up anticipation for tomorrow’s post…)