Workshop 202012 #19



Personally, I like the original color combination the best.

I was going to ask for color suggestions. Then I decided that I do not want to be in the custom art business. Then I tried a few different colors that I normally do not use and was pleased with the results. So, what the heck, post or send me your favorite colors and I will see what I can do with them.

Workshop 202012 #16


Blue Brown Minimalism

I think this one has a lot of personality.

This has more complexity, it is beyond minimal, but still much less complex than a fractal. It is closely related to the previous images, so I am keeping the sub-header.

Perhaps somewhere there is a measure, and a definition of levels of complexity. Perhaps someday I will look for that. Or perhaps I will stop trying to analyze and classify things that you can clearly see and decide for yourself. It is what it is.

Workshop 202012 #15


Blue Brown Minimalism

A little more complexity, but still big, simple curves and color transitions.

The current series is called “Workshop”. It contains studies of dots, lines, curves. There is experimentation with color, no color, and minimal color. Deconstructing and reconstructing.

This is different from my more complex and chaotic art. Both in method and result. I usually do not know when to stop, I get into a mode of infinite tweaks. Not quite sure what the goal is and finding that the many small adjustments are not getting there.

With the simple pieces the relation between action and result is easier to see. I hope these workshop pieces will help me be more effective with the complex art. That the deconstruction and fine tuning of the simple components will inform the fine tuning of complex pieces.

Workshop 202012 #14


Blue Brown Minimalism

Is this minimalism art? If you look for minimalism at the gallery or museum you find paintings of a single color on the canvas, or perhaps simple geometric shapes, squares and circles, of a solid color. A pompous art critic might disqualify this piece. The gentle curves are not straight lines or circles. There is shading and gentle transitions in the colors.

But then, I created this piece, so I get to name it, to define it. Even if it is inaccurate.

Workshop 202012 #12


Blue Brown Minimalism

Sometimes simple is better. I am always tempted to add more. More shapes, more colors, more details. Each quadrant has large, slowly transitioning color. It just begs to put something more there. I found it is useful to just stop, set the image aside for a day. Usually after a day the temptation to keep tweaking is gone, and it is easier to decide that the image is done.

This is the first of a few with relatively low complexity, and similar color palette.

Workshop 202012 #11


I set a goal on New Year’s Day to publish 150 posts this year. I am already falling behind, working on other things, all the usual excuses. Almost one month into the year and I have nothing new. There are still have about a dozen images from December for the Workshop series. Here is the next one.

I got stuck on this one. It does not fit with any of the others. It is related to the previous images. It has more and brighter colors. It is almost liquid. Anyway, here it is, one-off without many words. I am hoping it helps me to regain momentum.

Workshop 202012 #10


I am not sure what to say artistically about this one. I want to dismiss it, but it holds my attention. It is a mess, but features that seems “just plain wrong” flip to “compositionally perfect”, and back again.

I like art that challenges me. If you do not, that is ok, thank you for taking a look. Please check the other images, I hope you find something you like that better.

Nerd talk time. Earlier I mentioned “low iteration non-fractals”. I created this to demonstrate why I have been keeping the iteration count low. If the underlying formula is not clean (holomorphic function) the intricate winding spirals that you expect are not there. Instead you get large smoothly colored areas, where the higher iterations add nothing, areas where the fragmentation from the discontinuities dominate, and areas of “dust” with a mix of colors and no defined shape.